Mason & Hamlin 50 Upright Piano

Piano Name: Mason & Hamlin Website: Mason & Hamlin Model: 50 Made in: USA Parent Company: Mason & Hamlin Piano Co. Company Location: USA Height: 50″ History: Henry Mason and Emmons Hamlin established their reed organ company in the year 1854. By 1883, Mason & Hamlin started manufacturing pianos. After undergoing many ownership changes spanning… Read More

Why Upgrade from a Digital Piano?

Just 2 years ago you bought this brand new 88 key weighted digital piano and now you’re being told that it will not suffice. They both have the same amount of keys and it has the same touch as a piano. Why do we need to upgrade? … Read More

Visiting Pearl River Factory

On this latest trip to China, I managed to catch a glimpse into the transformation of Pearl River Piano. Already the largest piano company in the world manufacturing more than 130,000 pianos annually, Pearl River Piano has its sights set on even greater advancement.

One hundred thirty thousand pianos annually equates into about 400 pianos being manufactured per day. Imagine though what it must be like to produce 400 pianos daily. With roughly 225 tuning pins…… Read More

Concert Grand Size

Considered the king of the piano, the concert grand takes the stage. Measuring approximately 9′ to 10′ long (2m 70 to 3m 10), the concert grand has the largest soundboard diaphragm to output the greatest dynamic range. From a whisper to a thunderous roar, the concert grand also has the longest bass strings to add… Read More

Large Grand Size

There’s magic in a 6′ long grand piano (1m 80cm). Crossing the 6′ threshold makes grand pianos truly divine and if you don’t believe me, simply sit down at a 6′ long piano after playing both a baby grand (5′ length) and a medium sized grand (5’7″ length) and you’ll appreciate how grand pianos blossom… Read More

Console Size

What is a console piano? Typically it’s a piano shorter than 45″ in height (115cm). Historically, there have been pianos made that are even shorter (36″ tall) called spinets but in modern manufacturing, none of these are being made today. Console pianos have distinct advantages of fitting comfortably into any environment. They are unobtrusive and… Read More

Casting Iron Piano Frames

Every piano has one. It is the backbone to structural integrity. It’s also what gives a piano most of its weight. What is it? Commonly called the frame… Read More

The Ins and Outs of Piano Moving

He would then quote what has become my favourite piano moving line, “Remember, fingers grow back, pianos do not”. Slightly horrified at the thought of having my fingers pinched… Read More

How Often Should I Tune My Piano?

You wouldn’t think it, but pianos can be in shape or out of shape. Pianos can go out of shape mechanically in the way that they play but can also get out of shape in the strings which determines intonation or pitch.… Read More