
Piano Name: Kayserburg
Website: Kayserburg
Model: GH188A
Made in: China
Parent Company: Pearl River Piano Group
Company Location: China
Length: 6’2″

History: Pearl River Piano Group (PRPG) is officially the largest piano company in the world producing over 140,000 pianos annually. Kayserburg is the premier line of Pearl River and is divided into 4 series: Master (KAM), Artist (KA), Heirloom (GH) and Excellent (KX).

Dimensions: 6’2″x60″ or 188cm x 150cm

Available Finishes: High Polish Ebony

Features: Brass Hardware ~ Roslau wire ~ Renner Hammers From Germany ~ All Spruce Tapered Soundboard ~ Pearl River Action ~ Slow Fallboard ~ Ebony Sharps

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